Woodside Scholar: Nova Breslin

Nova Breslin is currently in her first year of studying Law and Society at UWA. She is a recipient of the Woodside Professional Indigenous Scholarship program. In partnership with the Dandjoo Darbalung program, this scholarship provides support to Indigenous students with funding assistance for costs associated with living away from home as a commencing student.

nova breslin

Nova came to St Catherine’s in 2019, and continues to enjoy College life. With her sights set on becoming a lawyer, Nova aims to give back to the community with the skills she gains in her studies.

What would you like to achieve in your career?

I want to pursue a career as a lawyer in order to be a part of the impact law has on our society. I aim to use my studies to understand the influence the law has in daily life and use it as a tool to improve aspects of our day-to-day life at a socio-economic level. Overall, I would like to achieve a career pathway that drives me to be intuitive with how I approach problems, and the means I can take to effectively solve them.

What are some hobbies you have outside of your studies?

I’m naturally a very creative and active person. I’ve always had interests in the arts so I enjoy drawing, dancing, photography and music. I’d also like to try picking up more volunteering, learning instruments and going for hikes.

What are your goals for the future?

My goal for the future is to lead a successful life. Currently I am hoping to find more internship and volunteering opportunities throughout my undergraduate. And in the long term, I want to reflect on my studies and feel fulfilled with how much effort I put into working towards my career goals.

Whats been your most memorable experience at St Cats?

There have been plenty of good times here. Yet the two most memorable events for me have to be last years Ball and Valedictory Dinner.

What advice do you have for those applying for a scholarship?

My advice is to actively take each opportunity as they come to you. But don’t be idle, take initiative by applying for whatever scholarships you can. It’s helpful as a student to search for them on your universities scholarship portal. Look at scholarships available to you, at the time, and there is likely to be something you are eligible for if you simply look. Don’t be discouraged if your first application is not successful, there are chances to try again for a next round.

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