Wing Events at St Cat's


By Sian O’Sullivan

At St Cat’s, your wing is full of your closest neighbours. There are 12 wings at St Catherine’s and each wing is managed by a Residential Adviser (RA). Your RA is there for your wellbeing and is there to assist in organising fun events throughout the year! Wing events are an awesome opportunity to get to know the other residents in your wing.

These events are relaxed and fun, and usually happen once or twice a semester. The event can be anything and RA’s are always open to suggestions. In semester one, Upper Whitfield held a movie night with some yummy snacks and a blanket fort! To celebrate making it halfway through the semester, residents of Kumba and Casa enjoyed some ice cream, chats and great company.

Other events can be a bit more competitive, and we often have games between the wings to establish a bit of rivalry and add an element of excitement. At St Catherine’s there are so many opportunities to get to know your fellow residents and make friendships that will last a lifetime.


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