Mother's Day 2022

To celebrate Mother's Day, we asked residents across our UWA and Curtin campuses how their mothers have helped shape them.

What makes your mum special to you?

"What makes my mum special to me is her utter resilience. She is such a giving and kind person, and she is my rock and the rock for all the people around her – and I love that so much about her." - Sharissa

"My mum is my best friend – we're so similar and enjoy the same sense of humour. We're always laughing when we get together." – Molly

"Her comforting presence. Even when I'm at College, I call or FaceTime her every day. And if I'm ever stressed, she always comforts me and knows how to make me feel better – always." – Jess

"My mum's unconditional support of everything I do makes her special to me. The best example I can think of is in high school. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do, and I had no idea for quite a while – I was a bit lost. In the end, I decided to do medicine. As soon as I said it, my mum said that I would be a great doctor and make a genuine difference, which meant a lot to me. It helped me push through those hard years of getting into the course.

Even though she supports me, she will also pull me in line when I need it, which I respect. It's great to have someone there checking in." - Tom

What is something your proud of about your mum?

"I'm so proud that she went back to university later in life and got her degree. I couldn't be prouder of her." – Sharissa

"I'm very proud of how courageous she is. She steps out of her comfort zone and shows my siblings and me what it takes to be a woman in this day and age. She is just incredible and brave." – Molly

"My mum is extremely selfless. Even if she is having a bad day, she will put us kids in front of everything and has full focus on making us feel better." – Jess

"I'm proud of all my mum has been through and how she has come to where she is today. My parents bought a farm, which was my dad's dream. It was a big thing for her to just pack up and leave to go to the country, but she was extremely supportive of my dad's dream. However, there were years where they had a huge mortgage, and a lot of work was needed on the farm. And when my dad was working FIFO, my mum had to look after my sister and me, as well as run the farm. I know that might not sound that big of a deal, but when you have one person running a five hundred acres property with lots of livestock, it's a big deal!" - Tom

What is something you're grateful for about your mum?

"Literally everything. My mum is a superhero, and she does everything for me. She is always there for me, and I love everything she does. I'm so grateful for her." – Sharissa

"When I'm sad or overwhelmed, she doesn't have to say anything. She opens her arms and gives me a big hug. Whenever I ask her for advice, she just says, "Molly, you don't need to do anything. We will figure it out together"." – Molly

"Everything! When my mum is busy at work, and I call, she will always answer – which I'm grateful for. I see her as my best friend, and she always knows how to make me feel better." – Jess

"Anyone who meets my mum will soon realise she is an incredibly generous and empathetic person. For example, she took in my best mate when he was asked to leave school and helped him with a second start. But that's just one example - there are so many. I can also call her at any time, and we can just talk for hours." - Tom