Preparing Young People for the Future of Business
Bloom’s Orbit Accelerator Program is a one-year program that provides five small business founders with the tools to accelerate their business.
Members of our Bloom Community with CEO, Fiona Crowe, Minister for Innovation, Don Punch, and Director of Innovation, Andrew Stead
The program consists of ten workshops facilitated by industry professionals, paired with one-on-one coaching from Program Director, Jeroen van Dalen. By the end of the program, these young entrepreneurs will be better prepared for the future of their business and see long-term growth.
In late 2021, Bloom was one of eight applicants that was successful in applying for a Western Australian Government X-Tend Grant for 2022 and 2023. This gives Bloom the sustainability to run this course for at least two years, and build out the success of these young founders.
A first of its kind program like Orbit increases the innovation atmosphere already existing inside St Catherine’s College. Residents have the chance to work in the co-working space besides entrepreneurs with established businesses and learn about innovation for the individuals who live and breathe it!” -Bloom’s Director of Innovation, Andrew Stead.
The first five participants of the Orbit Accelerator Program are learning from industry professionals, who are experts in their business field. The participants are Alex Montinari, Fanny Westlund, Imogen Blow, James Audcent and Isabelle Ng. Each participant currently owns a business and we are excited to see where the Orbit Accelerator Program takes them!